Why I don't like positive thinking

Uncategorized Nov 03, 2018

I often find clients running around in mental circles, pressurising themselves to transform ‘negative’ thinking to ‘positive’ thinking. When they notice negative thoughts, they panic and try to ramp up the positivity quota.

Trying to control thinking with more thinking results in strain and self-judgment.

I suggest my clients leave the 'negative' thoughts alone. We then place our focus on the part that’s aware of the thoughts, and from there, we question the validity of the stressful mental patterns. From this place of awareness (which is effortlessly and authentically ‘positive’), it’s easy to see many of these thoughts aren’t even true.

Like a radio playing softly in the background, we naturally no longer respond to the thought transmission when it doesn’t resonate.

All thoughts are neutral visitors, it’s our relationship to them that makes the difference.


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